
More Ethics You Say?

Nov 17, 2021

In response to your request for more ethics courses, we’ve added several offerings of our most popular seminars with ethics content, scheduled to take place before the end of the year.

Here are 7 of our top ethics seminars taking place in December. Please register as soon as possible as these courses do fill up very quickly!

A Threats and Safeguards Approach to Ethical Decision Making (Live Webinar)

Dec 11, 8:30am-12:30pm
Dec 13, 8:30am-12:30pm

In this workshop, we’ll explore situations in our professional roles that involve ethical challenges and examine how these can pose threats to our compliance with the Fundamental Principles.

Business Ethics: It Starts With You (Live Webinar)

Dec 13, 1pm-5pm

This course offers an introduction to understanding and managing ethical issues in a business setting. Explore the intersection amongst prominent theoretical approaches to ethics, personal values, business values and how they shape business decisions.

Ethical Decision Making: Exploring the Hidden Influence of Unconscious Bias in the Conscious Mind (Live Webinar)

Dec 8, 8:30am-12:30pm

Consider the drivers of unconscious bias and the impact on organizational decision making. Explore how best to identify and mitigate the risks of unconscious bias in the workplace, to build more innovative, inclusive, and ultimately successful organizations.

Ethics and Technology (Live Webinar)

Dec 7, 8:30am-12:30pm

In this course, you will learn about “technoethics” and the implications this has on individuals and organizations. Explore many of the current and emerging issues associated with ethics and technology, such as copyrights, cybercrimes, privacy versus security, and geo-tracking technologies.

Ethics at Our Core (Live Webinar)

Dec 10, 8:30am-12:30pm

This seminar helps participants to develop skills for dealing with ethical dilemmas and using appropriate decision making in their workplaces.

Shades of Grey: Ethics in the Workplace (Live Webinar)

Dec 13, 1pm-5pm

This course aims to develop and enhance the participants understanding and application of business and professional ethics. Throughout the session, numerous case studies and ethical dilemmas are used to encourage discussion and explore moral philosophy in the workplace.

Understanding and Embracing Ethics in the Workplace (Live Webinar)

Dec 10, 8:30am-12:30pm

This session provides an opportunity to challenge and uncover what “ethics” means in a professional context and how our goals, values and traits drive our responses in times of conflict and stress.