
Gain proficiency in these business technology issues and tools

May 9, 2022

Keeping track of emerging issues in technology is no longer just about earning an “I am tech-savvy” badge. The IT industry’s constant widening of capabilities coupled with seemingly unending threats to cybersecurity have made it necessary for everyone, particularly business professionals, to be keenly aware of both the constant risks and new solutions. This knowledge will be key in maintaining personal and professional competencies, competitive advantage, business integrity, and safety. 

Here are just a sampling of business technology tools and issues that CPAs and other business professionals can gain proficiency on.


It’s not too late to build up your blockchain knowledge – in fact, if you’re still lagging behind in grasping this technology, it’s imperative that you start gaining some proper understanding of it sooner rather than later. With many organizations now implementing blockchain solutions, this technology can propel businesses ahead of their competition by providing new kinds of process efficiencies and value. But there are also risks and disadvantages associated with blockchain, and business professionals should be cognizant of its long-term disruptive potential as well. Learn about the Foundations of Blockchain, and follow that up with Blockchain Essentials for CPAs.

Make sure you also establish a working knowledge in cryptocurrencies.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the ability the access and deliver various services over the internet. Organizations that employ this technology correctly have great potential to improve their services while also gaining efficiencies and cost savings. Learn the impact that cloud computing has on the accounting profession, regardless of whether you work in public accounting, industry, or for governmental, educational, or not-for-profit institutions.

Learn more about Cloud Computing


Cybersecurity incidents continue to grow, and there are currently no signs of this trend decreasing in the near future. As a financial officer, learn how CPAs can help shape their organization’s cybersecurity program from a risk management perspective. Or maybe take a step back and gain some foundational knowledge around cybersecurity risks, resources, and responses.

Curious about real life tech crimes?

Hardware, Software, Operating Systems, and Peripheral Devices

Hardware, software, and OS updates can often improve efficiency and productivity – are you up to date on all these enhancements, especially those relevant to accountants? What technology trends in 2022 will significantly impact you and your business? Or more specifically, learn about technology for CPAs so you don’t get left behind.

You may also be interested in brushing up on Microsoft Office 365.

Excel, Excel, Excel

Excel will always be one of the most useful business tools for professional accounts – and proficiency in it can help you save time and gain competitive advantage. Learn how to create efficient and compelling financial analyses or enhance your dashboard capabilities to better communicate using charts and organize data. Don’t forget that you can also gain an upper hand by getting tips on all the best practices in Excel.

You may also find it beneficial to learn how to use Word, Outlook and PowerPoint more efficiently.

Remote Working for Accountants

While working from home has become somewhat of a norm for many of us now, are you aware of leading remote work software and vendors? Have you managed to effectively address some of the challenges of working off-site, or how to manage a team outside the traditional office environment? Ensuring that you are up to date on key resources as well as being aware of lessons learned to date will be very helpful in managing the ongoing hybrid strategy that is most prevalent today.

Learn more about Remote Working for Accountants.